Tuesday, March 31, 2020
The Right Way to Move from Etsy to Your Own Website

We've created specific Facebook groups, feel free to join them: ◾ In English ➡ Coming soon ◾ In French ➡ https://t.co/zp0YXInaFc ◾ In Spanish ➡ https://t.co/Crtjdm62r9 ◾ In Italian ➡ https://t.co/wFY8zqvyY0 #RestartFromHome 3/3 https://t.co/yOP5CIVNHi
We've created specific Facebook groups, feel free to join them:
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 31, 2020
◾ In English ➡ Coming soon
◾ In French ➡ https://t.co/zp0YXInaFc
◾ In Spanish ➡ https://t.co/Crtjdm62r9
◾ In Italian ➡ https://t.co/wFY8zqvyY0#RestartFromHome 3/3 pic.twitter.com/yOP5CIVNHi
With the advice of experts and industry professionals, you will learn how to launch your online store and start stronger than ever. All this without leaving home.🏠 2/3
With the advice of experts and industry professionals, you will learn how to launch your online store and start stronger than ever. All this without leaving home.🏠 2/3
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 31, 2020
📣We're glad to announce that we've launched the #RestartFromHome initiative to help small & medium-sized merchants recover from the crisis caused by COVID-19. 🎯This project aims to provide #PrestaShop guides, tutorials, mentoring, discounts & promotions from our partners. 1/3 https://t.co/zMepVAYOqa
📣We're glad to announce that we've launched the #RestartFromHome initiative to help small & medium-sized merchants recover from the crisis caused by COVID-19.
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 31, 2020
🎯This project aims to provide #PrestaShop guides, tutorials, mentoring, discounts & promotions from our partners. 1/3 pic.twitter.com/zMepVAYOqa
@arnolem @PrestaEdit Vous pourrez trouver ces groupe "RestartFromHome" directement via Facebook. Les webinars ont déjà eu lieu dans d'autres langues. En ce qui concerne la France, rdv à 17h. https://t.co/VACNdTbih6
Vous pourrez trouver ces groupe "RestartFromHome" directement via Facebook. Les webinars ont déjà eu lieu dans d'autres langues. En ce qui concerne la France, rdv à 17h. https://t.co/VACNdTbih6
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 31, 2020
@arnolem @PrestaEdit Pour soutenir les marchands, nous nous focalisons principalement sur le contenu (articles de blog, webinars etc...) et nous travaillons également avec nos agences partenaires & partenaires afin de proposer des offres à moindre prix. Il s'agit ici d'un effort collectif. 2/2
Pour soutenir les marchands, nous nous focalisons principalement sur le contenu (articles de blog, webinars etc...) et nous travaillons également avec nos agences partenaires & partenaires afin de proposer des offres à moindre prix. Il s'agit ici d'un effort collectif. 2/2
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 31, 2020
@arnolem @PrestaEdit Bonjour Arnaud. Nous ne l'avons pas évoqué sur Twitter mais nous avons justement mis en place plusieurs groupes de soutien dédiés aux marchands. Ces derniers ont pour but de les soutenir à travers cette période délicate & d'aider ceux qui veulent créer leur boutique en ligne. 1/2
Bonjour Arnaud. Nous ne l'avons pas évoqué sur Twitter mais nous avons justement mis en place plusieurs groupes de soutien dédiés aux marchands. Ces derniers ont pour but de les soutenir à travers cette période délicate & d'aider ceux qui veulent créer leur boutique en ligne. 1/2
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 31, 2020
How to Create an Online Bookkeeping System with WordPress https://t.co/1ZP57vMRfs
How to Create an Online Bookkeeping System with WordPress https://t.co/1ZP57vMRfs
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 31, 2020
📌 Dans le contexte actuel, nous avons décidé de reporter le PrestaShop Day Paris à une date ultérieure. Cette décision est une mesure préventive qui vise à préserver la santé de tous. Donner votre avis ➡️ https://t.co/hZz3SfUu0j #PSDParis https://t.co/KicEqUuDwJ
📌 Dans le contexte actuel, nous avons décidé de reporter le PrestaShop Day Paris à une date ultérieure. Cette décision est une mesure préventive qui vise à préserver la santé de tous.
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 31, 2020
Donner votre avis ➡️ https://t.co/hZz3SfUu0j#PSDParis pic.twitter.com/KicEqUuDwJ
Monday, March 30, 2020
Get a FREE Stationery Shop Layout Pack for Divi https://t.co/VCIxxkwSS3
Get a FREE Stationery Shop Layout Pack for Divi https://t.co/VCIxxkwSS3
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 30, 2020
What Is an iFrame? (And How to Use Them) https://t.co/3KNKuRjYrr
What Is an iFrame? (And How to Use Them) https://t.co/3KNKuRjYrr
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 30, 2020
@ambreperonnet Notez que nous n'avons pas la possibilité d'intervenir légalement. Dans ce cas, seul l'hébergeur du site en a la capacité. 2/2
Notez que nous n'avons pas la possibilité d'intervenir légalement. Dans ce cas, seul l'hébergeur du site en a la capacité. 2/2
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 30, 2020
@ambreperonnet Bonjour Ambre. Si vous avez rencontré un problème avec ces boutiques, nous vous invitons à les signaler à la CNIL ici : https://t.co/SxMi6mbzpo. Vous avez également la possibilité de porter plainte contre cette boutique en allant au commissariat le plus proche. 1/2
Bonjour Ambre. Si vous avez rencontré un problème avec ces boutiques, nous vous invitons à les signaler à la CNIL ici : https://t.co/SxMi6mbzpo. Vous avez également la possibilité de porter plainte contre cette boutique en allant au commissariat le plus proche. 1/2
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 30, 2020
@Luis_cypher Merci ! (et on compte bien continuer sur cette lancée)😉 https://t.co/Zx5viB8ItO
Merci ! (et on compte bien continuer sur cette lancée)😉 pic.twitter.com/Zx5viB8ItO
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 30, 2020
Sunday, March 29, 2020
How to Create a Zoom-Out Header Transition on Scroll in Divi https://t.co/P1TnPIN4LJ
How to Create a Zoom-Out Header Transition on Scroll in Divi https://t.co/P1TnPIN4LJ
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 29, 2020
10 Persuasive Techniques That Will Boost Your Advertising Copy https://t.co/HoosX7ghln
10 Persuasive Techniques That Will Boost Your Advertising Copy https://t.co/HoosX7ghln
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 29, 2020
@this_be_ice I'm sorry to hear that you are having troubles with our chat system. Can you try using a different browser or a different device? If you are still having troubles, you can send your support inquiry via our support contact form here: https://t.co/QIcvUZgRyJ
I'm sorry to hear that you are having troubles with our chat system. Can you try using a different browser or a different device? If you are still having troubles, you can send your support inquiry via our support contact form here: https://t.co/QIcvUZgRyJ
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 29, 2020
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Divi Design Showcase: New Submissions from March 2020 https://t.co/xhMeVkHq3K
Divi Design Showcase: New Submissions from March 2020 https://t.co/xhMeVkHq3K
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 28, 2020
9+ Top-Tier Slack Apps, Bots, and Integrations https://t.co/NLWITmq0Xt
9+ Top-Tier Slack Apps, Bots, and Integrations https://t.co/NLWITmq0Xt
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 28, 2020
Friday, March 27, 2020
Adobe Announces Offerings to Help Small & Mid-Sized Companies
Amid the coronavirus outbreak and growing containment efforts, small and mid-sized businesses are reeling from the impact of lost traffic and revenue.
@whitessomoi Sorry for the trouble! Please open a chat with our Support Team so they can help you fix any issues on your Divi site. https://t.co/ClHP7c6VA4
Sorry for the trouble! Please open a chat with our Support Team so they can help you fix any issues on your Divi site.https://t.co/ClHP7c6VA4
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 27, 2020
How to Redirect Users after Login in WordPress https://t.co/EaK9STdl26
How to Redirect Users after Login in WordPress https://t.co/EaK9STdl26
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 27, 2020
Thursday, March 26, 2020
How to Create a Seamless Service Transition with Divi’s Scroll Effects https://t.co/WmXETAqQlM
How to Create a Seamless Service Transition with Divi’s Scroll Effects https://t.co/WmXETAqQlM
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 26, 2020
@agency_elakoon Absolutely, we will be releasing new WooCommerce modules/features soon so stay tuned! 😄
Absolutely, we will be releasing new WooCommerce modules/features soon so stay tuned! 😄
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 26, 2020
@Yasawas Sure thing, here's an article that can help you customize your shopping cart page: https://t.co/XrkV2I0Lve If you need further help, please open a chat with support and they will be happy to help. 😄 https://t.co/XNohT5Qig3
Sure thing, here's an article that can help you customize your shopping cart page: https://t.co/XrkV2I0Lve
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 26, 2020
If you need further help, please open a chat with support and they will be happy to help. 😄 https://t.co/XNohT5Qig3
How to Work through Anxiety and Stay the Course https://t.co/G7pJ0pbadh
How to Work through Anxiety and Stay the Course https://t.co/G7pJ0pbadh
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 26, 2020
@4d6174 Bonjour Matt, cette documentation devrait pouvoir vous aider : https://t.co/6IjZbstcB4 sinon n'hésitez pas à nous poser vos questions sur Gitter : https://t.co/WtOpmBqPhw :)
Bonjour Matt, cette documentation devrait pouvoir vous aider : https://t.co/6IjZbstcB4 sinon n'hésitez pas à nous poser vos questions sur Gitter : https://t.co/WtOpmBqPhw :)
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 26, 2020
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
@hodler_of_xrp Hello! We confirm you that no, it isn't scam.
Hello! We confirm you that no, it isn't scam.
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 25, 2020
6 Tips for Marketing with Vertical Video https://t.co/DCIMuqD3H0
6 Tips for Marketing with Vertical Video https://t.co/DCIMuqD3H0
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 25, 2020
@ClaireHauuy @MBADMB @ArnaultChatel @VincentMontet Bravo !👏👏 https://t.co/o1N3bVoTT3
Bravo !👏👏 pic.twitter.com/o1N3bVoTT3
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 25, 2020
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
@JakSpedding Awesome! I'm glad Vladimir was able to help you with this. Enjoy and stay safe! 😄
Awesome! I'm glad Vladimir was able to help you with this. Enjoy and stay safe! 😄
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 24, 2020
The #PrestaShop Core Weekly is online! ➡️67new issues created ✅57 issues closed (with 5 fixed on the core) ➡️69 pull requests have been opened ✅128 pull requests have been closed (including 59 merged PR) Check out all the details here: https://t.co/dif5yyND1I https://t.co/lev3wx6KBb
The #PrestaShop Core Weekly is online!
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 24, 2020
➡️67new issues created
✅57 issues closed (with 5 fixed on the core)
➡️69 pull requests have been opened
✅128 pull requests have been closed (including 59 merged PR)
Check out all the details here: https://t.co/dif5yyND1I pic.twitter.com/lev3wx6KBb
How to Choose a Niche for Your Online Store

12 Great Icebreaker Games Your Employees Will Actually Enjoy https://t.co/Eie1ypNaRg
12 Great Icebreaker Games Your Employees Will Actually Enjoy https://t.co/Eie1ypNaRg
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 24, 2020
Monday, March 23, 2020
@its_camargo Sorry for the trouble! Here's a help article that can help you fix that issue: https://t.co/4AncecLuZp If you are still having troubles, best bet is to open a chat with Support so they can check this further for you. https://t.co/1n36OgSNP4
Sorry for the trouble! Here's a help article that can help you fix that issue: https://t.co/4AncecLuZp
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 23, 2020
If you are still having troubles, best bet is to open a chat with Support so they can check this further for you. https://t.co/1n36OgSNP4
@lauriekgrant Thanks for your kind words Laurie! 😄
Thanks for your kind words Laurie! 😄
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 23, 2020
@JakSpedding Absolutely! 😄 You can go here to get our 20% off Anniversary sale for renewing your yearly subscription: https://t.co/gg52Q0Hy6F
Absolutely! 😄 You can go here to get our 20% off Anniversary sale for renewing your yearly subscription: https://t.co/gg52Q0Hy6F
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 23, 2020
How to Determine Your Company's Core Values (and Why They Matter) https://t.co/MBiRy5Kpxc
How to Determine Your Company's Core Values (and Why They Matter) https://t.co/MBiRy5Kpxc
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 23, 2020
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Mission Pagespeed: Beta Version Now Available!
How to Create Circle Counters that Animate on Scroll with Divi https://t.co/hLgCm9dJUu
How to Create Circle Counters that Animate on Scroll with Divi https://t.co/hLgCm9dJUu
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 22, 2020
6 Video Marketing Tips for 2020: What You Need to Know https://t.co/nQ0bHdZ0YW
6 Video Marketing Tips for 2020: What You Need to Know https://t.co/nQ0bHdZ0YW
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 22, 2020
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Download a FREE Blurb Expanding Section on Scroll for Divi https://t.co/K2E8riMN1Z
Download a FREE Blurb Expanding Section on Scroll for Divi https://t.co/K2E8riMN1Z
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 21, 2020
10 Signs You May Be Ready for a Career Change https://t.co/5DeKdmBC5Z
10 Signs You May Be Ready for a Career Change https://t.co/5DeKdmBC5Z
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 21, 2020
Friday, March 20, 2020
RT @AlexandreEruimy: Dear #ecommerce & #prestashop community partners, let's be united to support all existing and future e-merchants in a #solidarity spirit ! To contribute to our #RestartFromHome initiative 👉 https://t.co/FlXGD1llPa This action is launched simultaneously in 🇫🇷 🇮🇹 🇪🇸
Dear #ecommerce & #prestashop community partners, let's be united to support all existing and future e-merchants in a #solidarity spirit !
— Alexandre Eruimy (@AlexandreEruimy) March 20, 2020
To contribute to our #RestartFromHome initiative 👉 https://t.co/FlXGD1llPa
This action is launched simultaneously in 🇫🇷 🇮🇹 🇪🇸
@mathieuKs https://t.co/vEPusq0DV8
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Download a FREE Horizontal Self-Scrolling List Made with Divi's Scroll Effects https://t.co/A1uTJpyAf6
Download a FREE Horizontal Self-Scrolling List Made with Divi's Scroll Effects https://t.co/A1uTJpyAf6
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 19, 2020
Food Marketing: How to Sell Online

@NavneetSau You can add your Facebook Pixel code in your WordPress Dashboard > Divi > Theme Options > Integration tab > Add code to the < head > of your blog field. Here's a screenshot that can help: https://t.co/iRH28Rsv75
You can add your Facebook Pixel code in your WordPress Dashboard > Divi > Theme Options > Integration tab > Add code to the < head > of your blog field.
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 19, 2020
Here's a screenshot that can help:https://t.co/iRH28Rsv75
How to Write an Awesome Value Proposition for Your Project or Brand https://t.co/iLnsdwTown
How to Write an Awesome Value Proposition for Your Project or Brand https://t.co/iLnsdwTown
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 19, 2020
Currently merging one more pull request!✅ #MyQuarantineInSixWords For now, we've merged 43 pull requests this week: https://t.co/DaXqvTgW1v https://t.co/F8fu5kg6Ms
Currently merging one more pull request!✅ #MyQuarantineInSixWords
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 19, 2020
For now, we've merged 43 pull requests this week: https://t.co/DaXqvTgW1v pic.twitter.com/F8fu5kg6Ms
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
How to Reveal Your Image Gallery with a Sliding Puzzle Scroll Effect in Divi https://t.co/jDzdMkcGVF
How to Reveal Your Image Gallery with a Sliding Puzzle Scroll Effect in Divi https://t.co/jDzdMkcGVF
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 18, 2020
How to Fix the 404 Error for WordPress Websites https://t.co/D6ZSR8WhNZ
How to Fix the 404 Error for WordPress Websites https://t.co/D6ZSR8WhNZ
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 18, 2020
@arnaudmerigeau Hello Arnaud, bien joué pour l'article !👍
Hello Arnaud, bien joué pour l'article !👍
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 18, 2020
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
How to Add a Motion Slide-Out Email Optin Box with Divi's Scroll Effects https://t.co/4TVLKgjqi5
How to Add a Motion Slide-Out Email Optin Box with Divi's Scroll Effects https://t.co/4TVLKgjqi5
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 17, 2020
@KwameHQ That's great! We are happy to hear how Divi has helped you create amazing sites efficiently. 😍
That's great! We are happy to hear how Divi has helped you create amazing sites efficiently. 😍
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 17, 2020
@avernalaw Best bet is to open a chat with our Support Team so they can help you achieve this. 😄 https://t.co/ClHP7c6VA4
Best bet is to open a chat with our Support Team so they can help you achieve this. 😄 https://t.co/ClHP7c6VA4
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 17, 2020
The #PrestaShop Core Weekly is online! ➡️76 new issues created ✅67 issues closed (with 12 fixed on the core) ➡️65 pull requests have been opened ✅104 pull requests have been closed (including 73 merged PR) Check out all the details here: https://t.co/Tpp2TWG9do https://t.co/6KGZlkOIQ7
The #PrestaShop Core Weekly is online!
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 17, 2020
➡️76 new issues created
✅67 issues closed (with 12 fixed on the core)
➡️65 pull requests have been opened
✅104 pull requests have been closed (including 73 merged PR)
Check out all the details here: https://t.co/Tpp2TWG9do pic.twitter.com/6KGZlkOIQ7
3 Tools You Can Use to Find a Font from an Image https://t.co/39zmflgbnu
3 Tools You Can Use to Find a Font from an Image https://t.co/39zmflgbnu
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 17, 2020
Monday, March 16, 2020
WooCommerce 4.0: Better, More Efficient Store Management

Get a FREE Home Organizer Layout Pack for Divi https://t.co/KzM5gEmnFr
Get a FREE Home Organizer Layout Pack for Divi https://t.co/KzM5gEmnFr
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 16, 2020
12 Resume Fonts That Can Make Your Application Stand Out in the Best Way https://t.co/zQ2esJ4R0h
12 Resume Fonts That Can Make Your Application Stand Out in the Best Way https://t.co/zQ2esJ4R0h
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 16, 2020
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Themify’s 100K Celebration Sale and Giveaway
Case Study: Divi with WP Smush and Hummingbird https://t.co/jmGBnrJON4
Case Study: Divi with WP Smush and Hummingbird https://t.co/jmGBnrJON4
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 15, 2020
5 of the Best Free and Premium Keyword Research Tools for SEO https://t.co/oaJCqQBg4D
5 of the Best Free and Premium Keyword Research Tools for SEO https://t.co/oaJCqQBg4D
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 15, 2020
Saturday, March 14, 2020
5 Divi Child Themes for Veterinarians https://t.co/OHnys2teUj
5 Divi Child Themes for Veterinarians https://t.co/OHnys2teUj
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 14, 2020
How to Use Metricool to Manage Your Social Media and Ad Campaigns https://t.co/t740prhEiV
How to Use Metricool to Manage Your Social Media and Ad Campaigns https://t.co/t740prhEiV
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 14, 2020
Friday, March 13, 2020
How to Build a Clickable Table of Contents for a Blog Post with the Divi Layout Block https://t.co/ADh4yaSCYk
How to Build a Clickable Table of Contents for a Blog Post with the Divi Layout Block https://t.co/ADh4yaSCYk
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 13, 2020
RT @AlexandreEruimy: Very sound article on #covid19 to better understand "Why You Must Act Now" ! 📈 All insights are based on #opensource data & analyses Original version in ENG by @tomaspueyo 👉 https://t.co/3ZWIU3Tktv Translated version in FR by @Fanfan_Tweet 👉 https://t.co/Zd6AP6V0Np https://t.co/SE7LTqRAaw
Very sound article on #covid19 to better understand "Why You Must Act Now" !
— Alexandre Eruimy (@AlexandreEruimy) March 13, 2020
📈 All insights are based on #opensource data & analyses
Original version in ENG by @tomaspueyo 👉 https://t.co/3ZWIU3Tktv
Translated version in FR by @Fanfan_Tweet 👉 https://t.co/Zd6AP6V0Np pic.twitter.com/SE7LTqRAaw
How to Start Selling Subscriptions Online

Due to the COVID-19, we’ve taken the necessary steps to work remotely until further notice in order to best protect the health of our teams. All hands are still on deck to keep PrestaShop on track.
Due to the COVID-19, we’ve taken the necessary steps to work remotely until further notice in order to best protect the health of our teams. All hands are still on deck to keep PrestaShop on track.
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 13, 2020
The Ultimate Guide to Google Search Console https://t.co/xR93kpaL1y
The Ultimate Guide to Google Search Console https://t.co/xR93kpaL1y
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 13, 2020
Thursday, March 12, 2020
An Easy-to-Understand Guide to B2B Marketing https://t.co/rDauKchbwI
An Easy-to-Understand Guide to B2B Marketing https://t.co/rDauKchbwI
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 12, 2020
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Maximizing Your Adobe Summit & Magento Imagine Digital Experiences
Nothing is more important than the health and safety of our colleagues across our global community. The decision to shift Adobe Summit and Magento Imagine 2020 to a set of digital experiences has not been easy — from both a people and business standpoint. We are grateful for the understanding, support, and flexibility our customers, partners, and developers have shown us over the past couple of weeks as our teams have worked around the clock to reimagine these marquee events in a new format.
The Huge Divi Birthday Sale! 🥳Our Biggest Discount Has Arrived! Get the biggest discount of the year so far on Divi Memberships and Lifetime Upgrades! Once the sale is over it won't be back again until next year. Don't miss your chance 👇
The Huge Divi Birthday Sale! 🥳Our Biggest Discount Has Arrived!
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 11, 2020
Get the biggest discount of the year so far on Divi Memberships and Lifetime Upgrades! Once the sale is over it won't be back again until next year. Don't miss your chance 👇
Are You Ready to Work From Home? https://t.co/JUpwLM7313
Are You Ready to Work From Home? https://t.co/JUpwLM7313
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 11, 2020
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Mission Pagespeed: Score 95+ on Google Pagespeed Insights
The #PrestaShop Core Weekly is online! ◾️ As announced yesterday, PrestaShop is available ◾️ Our QA team is still battle-testing the Alpha build Check out all the details here: https://t.co/PlJrFdphMk https://t.co/kswsSPvoGT
The #PrestaShop Core Weekly is online!
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 10, 2020
◾️ As announced yesterday, PrestaShop is available
◾️ Our QA team is still battle-testing the Alpha build
Check out all the details here: https://t.co/PlJrFdphMk pic.twitter.com/kswsSPvoGT
How to Create an Expanding Layers Scroll Effect for Engaging App Illustrations in Divi https://t.co/ElecyDZ8C0
How to Create an Expanding Layers Scroll Effect for Engaging App Illustrations in Divi https://t.co/ElecyDZ8C0
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 10, 2020
A Simple Guide to Topic Clusters and Pillar Pages https://t.co/DQ2lkV3kfD
A Simple Guide to Topic Clusters and Pillar Pages https://t.co/DQ2lkV3kfD
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 10, 2020
Monday, March 9, 2020
@ThatGuySketch Thanks for your kind words Alexander! 😍 Yes, our team is doing their best every day to make Divi the best it can be. 😄
Thanks for your kind words Alexander! 😍 Yes, our team is doing their best every day to make Divi the best it can be. 😄
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 9, 2020
@clover_english Sorry for the trouble! Best bet is to contact Support so they can check this for you. https://t.co/qpCoIuBlZv
Sorry for the trouble! Best bet is to contact Support so they can check this for you. https://t.co/qpCoIuBlZv
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 9, 2020
Get a FREE Startup Layout Pack for Divi https://t.co/KOfQxlzdPV
Get a FREE Startup Layout Pack for Divi https://t.co/KOfQxlzdPV
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 9, 2020
Evolution Of Cloud Tooling – From Black Box To User-Friendly, Extendable Solution
The latest release of ECE-Tools, Magento's powerful cloud deployment and configuration tooling, now offers extensive configuration and customization capabilities, while also keeping all Magento deployment best practices in mind, to help users avoid issues and downtime. Read more.
📣#PrestaShop is available! This maintenance release fixes 9 issues reported from versions to✅ 👉Important note: this version fixes a security problem, we strongly encourage you to upgrade your shop as soon as possible. ➡️https://t.co/dX30gaZkYK https://t.co/NliqZyVwfs
📣#PrestaShop is available!
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 9, 2020
This maintenance release fixes 9 issues reported from versions to✅
👉Important note: this version fixes a security problem, we strongly encourage you to upgrade your shop as soon as possible.
➡️https://t.co/dX30gaZkYK pic.twitter.com/NliqZyVwfs
@NephyThais Bonjour ! Est-ce que vous utilisez le module "ps_legalcompliance" sur votre boutique en ligne ? Cela peut éventuellement venir de là.
Bonjour ! Est-ce que vous utilisez le module "ps_legalcompliance" sur votre boutique en ligne ? Cela peut éventuellement venir de là.
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 9, 2020
The Dunning Kruger Effect: Pitfalls and Solutions https://t.co/t4jsL5ko6b
The Dunning Kruger Effect: Pitfalls and Solutions https://t.co/t4jsL5ko6b
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 9, 2020
Sunday, March 8, 2020
10 Divi Child Themes for Lawyers and Law Offices https://t.co/JWZu6lraqT
10 Divi Child Themes for Lawyers and Law Offices https://t.co/JWZu6lraqT
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 8, 2020
A Simple Guide to Marketing for Introverts https://t.co/XRRt2LnYlZ
A Simple Guide to Marketing for Introverts https://t.co/XRRt2LnYlZ
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 8, 2020
Saturday, March 7, 2020
How to Synchronize Expanding Copy on Scroll with Divi https://t.co/iTo8ve1JU2
How to Synchronize Expanding Copy on Scroll with Divi https://t.co/iTo8ve1JU2
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 7, 2020
How to Determine Your Domain's Value https://t.co/xSrUpvh9RQ
How to Determine Your Domain's Value https://t.co/xSrUpvh9RQ
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 7, 2020
Friday, March 6, 2020
@ContatoJinn Great! Enjoy our newest Divi Layers View! 😍
Great! Enjoy our newest Divi Layers View! 😍
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 6, 2020
@albertocasanova Great! Enjoy our newest Divi Layers View feature! 😄
Great! Enjoy our newest Divi Layers View feature! 😄
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 6, 2020
How to Create a Beautiful Column-Colliding Hero Section on Scroll with Divi https://t.co/hHYja1G9Jz
How to Create a Beautiful Column-Colliding Hero Section on Scroll with Divi https://t.co/hHYja1G9Jz
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 6, 2020
What is an IP Address? Everything You Need to Know https://t.co/f11V8V06ZF
What is an IP Address? Everything You Need to Know https://t.co/f11V8V06ZF
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 6, 2020
Thursday, March 5, 2020
@JacobSeated Thanks for your feedback! Our team is constantly working on improving the building experience and we are always open for your feedback. If there is anything you can share about ways on how we can improve our Divi Builder, let us know. 😊
Thanks for your feedback! Our team is constantly working on improving the building experience and we are always open for your feedback. If there is anything you can share about ways on how we can improve our Divi Builder, let us know. 😊
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 5, 2020
Do You Speak #PrestaShop? – February 2020 Edition 📅PrestaShop Day Madrid is postponed ➡️the 1.7.7 catalog is ready for translation For more details, please read: https://t.co/zgsj3IzZd6 https://t.co/uZ3RkdbnDz
Do You Speak #PrestaShop? – February 2020 Edition
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 5, 2020
📅PrestaShop Day Madrid is postponed
➡️the 1.7.7 catalog is ready for translation
For more details, please read: https://t.co/zgsj3IzZd6 pic.twitter.com/uZ3RkdbnDz
Rise Marketing Co: Why WooCommerce Is Our Go-To Solution

@jsonPTS @carcam FYI: https://t.co/fKYOp1V2Z6
📌 En el contexto actual relacionado con el coronavirus Covid-19 y su desarrollo en Europa, hemos decidido posponer el #PSDMadrid a una fecha posterior. Obtener información ➡️ https://t.co/WIpNNX0FiW https://t.co/EEeayXqGXf
📌 En el contexto actual relacionado con el coronavirus Covid-19 y su desarrollo en Europa, hemos decidido posponer el #PSDMadrid a una fecha posterior.
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 5, 2020
Obtener información ➡️ https://t.co/WIpNNX0FiW pic.twitter.com/EEeayXqGXf
@carcam Hello Carlos, we will get back to you with more details around midday.
Hello Carlos, we will get back to you with more details around midday.
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 5, 2020
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
New! Ultra Yoga Skin for Studios and Instructors
@LoopbyTech Awesome! We are glad to hear that you are loving Divi and how it helped you create amazing sites! 😄
Awesome! We are glad to hear that you are loving Divi and how it helped you create amazing sites! 😄
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 4, 2020
New update for the module #PrestaShopCheckout: ◾️Good news, PrestaShop Checkout is available for PrestaShop 1.6 ✅ ◾️Added a new "Express Checkout" feature to save your customers time during their purchase journey ⏱ Download PrestaShop Checkout now ➡️ https://t.co/gY3SYNXpH7 https://t.co/J1vwypct7p
New update for the module #PrestaShopCheckout:
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 4, 2020
◾️Good news, PrestaShop Checkout is available for PrestaShop 1.6 ✅
◾️Added a new "Express Checkout" feature to save your customers time during their purchase journey ⏱
Download PrestaShop Checkout now ➡️ https://t.co/gY3SYNXpH7 pic.twitter.com/J1vwypct7p
@KimZeit Thanks for your feedback! We'll add this to our internal feature requests list. 😄
Thanks for your feedback! We'll add this to our internal feature requests list. 😄
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 4, 2020
How to Use the Blue Ocean Strategy to Revitalize Your Blog https://t.co/YaV9Hodi8o
How to Use the Blue Ocean Strategy to Revitalize Your Blog https://t.co/YaV9Hodi8o
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 4, 2020
@matthieujbrt https://t.co/EGH1PCIaxQ
@AlexandreEruimy @bfmbusiness @chrisjaku Merci @chrisjaku pour l'interview !
Merci @chrisjaku pour l'interview !
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 4, 2020
"D'ici 2022, nous ambitionnons de doubler notre chiffre d'affaires et booster le CA global de nos marchands de 17 à 25 milliards d'euros. 1ère étape : être l'acteur majeur de la transformation digitale des PME & ETI." @AlexandreEruimy ITW par @bfmbusiness➡️https://t.co/yJuFDggJQQ https://t.co/NIgPjftEn9
"D'ici 2022, nous ambitionnons de doubler notre chiffre d'affaires et booster le CA global de nos marchands de 17 à 25 milliards d'euros. 1ère étape : être l'acteur majeur de la transformation digitale des PME & ETI." @AlexandreEruimy ITW par @bfmbusiness➡️https://t.co/yJuFDggJQQ pic.twitter.com/NIgPjftEn9
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 4, 2020
@matthieujbrt $this->addFlash("success", "Encore une fois, c'est possible"); https://t.co/PIBjtfZqAH
$this->addFlash("success", "Encore une fois, c'est possible"); pic.twitter.com/PIBjtfZqAH
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 4, 2020
@matthieujbrt Hello Matthieu ! Si, c'est toujours possible.🙂 https://t.co/mcpBy69Yky
Hello Matthieu ! Si, c'est toujours possible.🙂 pic.twitter.com/mcpBy69Yky
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 4, 2020
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
@mgautamnagpal @PayPal @AskPayPal Hello Marc, we're sorry to hear that you had a negative experience on our Addons Marketplace. If you already sent us a message, we invite you to open a dispute through PayPal in this case.
Hello Marc, we're sorry to hear that you had a negative experience on our Addons Marketplace. If you already sent us a message, we invite you to open a dispute through PayPal in this case.
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 3, 2020
Tax Tips to Save Money in 2020

How to Mark a New Divi Section with Subtle Motion Shapes https://t.co/4lfm8I3zKy
How to Mark a New Divi Section with Subtle Motion Shapes https://t.co/4lfm8I3zKy
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 3, 2020
@ChristinaGwira Sorry for the trouble! Best bet is to open a chat with our Support Team so they can help you fix this issue and help you with your header and menu. 😄 https://t.co/ClHP7c6VA4
Sorry for the trouble! Best bet is to open a chat with our Support Team so they can help you fix this issue and help you with your header and menu. 😄https://t.co/ClHP7c6VA4
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 3, 2020
Early January, we encountered a security issue with PHPUnit in some modules. This is our post-incident analysis: https://t.co/Cvtyb0QcAc #PrestaShop https://t.co/7JPTib44oE
Early January, we encountered a security issue with PHPUnit in some modules.
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 3, 2020
This is our post-incident analysis: https://t.co/Cvtyb0QcAc #PrestaShop pic.twitter.com/7JPTib44oE
@yonosoyPaula Hello! We've decided to stop this SaaS offer. PS Ready users have been notified and accompanied afterwards.
Hello! We've decided to stop this SaaS offer. PS Ready users have been notified and accompanied afterwards.
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 3, 2020
Early January, we encountered a security issue with PHPUnit in some modules. This is our post-incident analysis: https://t.co/aYmUpgUR1P #PrestaShop https://t.co/qRJCkM1G0i
Early January, we encountered a security issue with PHPUnit in some modules.
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 3, 2020
This is our post-incident analysis: https://t.co/aYmUpgUR1P #PrestaShop pic.twitter.com/qRJCkM1G0i
5 Best Chatbots for your WordPress Website https://t.co/v2CujWnfID
5 Best Chatbots for your WordPress Website https://t.co/v2CujWnfID
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 3, 2020
@okom3pom1 Sacré cap, un grand bravo !👏👏 https://t.co/eJvodrd0GO
Sacré cap, un grand bravo !👏👏 pic.twitter.com/eJvodrd0GO
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 3, 2020
Monday, March 2, 2020
The #PrestaShop Core Weekly is online! ▪️Next patch version for 1.7.6.x (v1.7.6.4) is now complete, QA team will test the build this week. ▪️Next PrestaShop 1.7 minor version (v1.7.7.0) is now frozen! For more details, please read: https://t.co/6DYOwBLPWh https://t.co/asjrmxFIMV
The #PrestaShop Core Weekly is online!
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 2, 2020
▪️Next patch version for 1.7.6.x (v1.7.6.4) is now complete, QA team will test the build this week.
▪️Next PrestaShop 1.7 minor version (v1.7.7.0) is now frozen!
For more details, please read: https://t.co/6DYOwBLPWh pic.twitter.com/asjrmxFIMV
@seynaeve Un projet sans bugs, c'est un projet qui a peu d'utilisateurs et peu d'activité. Tous les grands projets open source ont beaucoup de bugs et c'est d'ailleurs un bon signe (leur communauté est très active).
Un projet sans bugs, c'est un projet qui a peu d'utilisateurs et peu d'activité. Tous les grands projets open source ont beaucoup de bugs et c'est d'ailleurs un bon signe (leur communauté est très active).
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 2, 2020
Get a FREE Tutor Layout Pack for Divi https://t.co/D3Fr97Tyz7
Get a FREE Tutor Layout Pack for Divi https://t.co/D3Fr97Tyz7
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 2, 2020
@seynaeve Hello Edouard. C'est plutôt depuis que l'on a basculé sur GitHub (1 an et demi environ). Cela n'inclut pas que les bugs, mais aussi les éléments suivants : - nouvelles features - migration Symfony - l'ensemble du travail lié au Product Management
Hello Edouard. C'est plutôt depuis que l'on a basculé sur GitHub (1 an et demi environ). Cela n'inclut pas que les bugs, mais aussi les éléments suivants :
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 2, 2020
- nouvelles features
- migration Symfony
- l'ensemble du travail lié au Product Management
Guest Post Requests: When and How to Accept them for Your Blog https://t.co/VfySE7HVLl
Guest Post Requests: When and How to Accept them for Your Blog https://t.co/VfySE7HVLl
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 2, 2020
@carcam Hello Carlos, we've transmitted your question to the dedicated team. We will get back to you as soon as we receive their answer.
Hello Carlos, we've transmitted your question to the dedicated team. We will get back to you as soon as we receive their answer.
— PrestaShop (@PrestaShop) March 2, 2020
Sunday, March 1, 2020
12 Awesome Divi Blog Layouts https://t.co/feTbyDATmX
12 Awesome Divi Blog Layouts https://t.co/feTbyDATmX
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 1, 2020
Divi Meetup Network Community Update: February 2020 https://t.co/kR7tWjHLz8
Divi Meetup Network Community Update: February 2020 https://t.co/kR7tWjHLz8
— Elegant Themes (@elegantthemes) March 1, 2020