Monday, August 29, 2011

Ways to Increase Website Traffic

  1. Create a "Must Reads" Section at the end of your content. One of the most common (and effective) ways to attract current readers to view other sections on your site, is to produce a short list of several other posts that displays at the bottom.
  2. Link within Articles. This works well, both to explain unfamiliar terms and ideas and also to direct readers to more detailed information on a specific topic.
  3. Build a relationship: When readers are engaged and feel like part of the conversation, they'll feel comfortable and confident to explore your content. Make the content of your pages like a conversation between you and the reader.
  4. Compile Content into meaningful Sections/Pages. This is a great way to tie your content together into clear and easily readable collections. It is also very likely to be visited more frequently than if the content is broken up over the whole site.
  5. Make Use Of The Sidebar. Give Links to important or Featured Pages in the sidebar and you'll help readers find them  and they'll stay longer, reading more.
  6. Use Excerpts On Your Home Page: Web readers are used to clicking links for content, especially if the title/excerpt catches their attention.

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