Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Types of Websites

Websites can be classified into one of the five basic types below:
  • On-line Brochure WebsitesMost likely, the most popular type of web sites that companies invest in are On-Line Brochure Websites. The objective is to make your company and product-service information available on-line, save on print and postal costs, and decrease support inquiries.
  • Content Management WebsitesThe objective of a Content Website is increase readership, level of interest, time spent on the site and of course maximize on-line advertising revenue. You would want to measure visit length, page views, and the number of subscribers.
  • E-commerce Websites: The objective of an e-commerce website is sales, or more specifically to increase sales and decrease marketing expenses.
  • Self-service Websites : The objective of a Self-service website is increase customer satisfaction and decrease support inquiries. 
  • Hybrid Websites : Many websites are a mixture of types. For example, a business web site may promote the business's products, but may also sell products, host informative documents or provide news for it's visitors.